How to educate consumers on the presence of “bad bacteria” that result in bad body odour?
The Beiersdorf marketing team in Myanmar wanted to educate the rural population, that sweat breeds the bacteria that leads to bad body odour. They needed a tool that educated the consumer about their personal odour risk levels and convinced them of the need for an odour-fighting product.
How did USP Solutions help?
The Ideation team of USP Solution used their creative skills to develop The Sweat Test Strip that reacts to moisture with a color change. Thus indicating the amount of sweat found on the surface of the tested skin area. This educational tool conveyed to the consumer their sweat level and the need for a product to fight the odour it developed.
The tool design was decided upon and put in production to be ready and shipped to reach Myanmar for a countrywide action. This activation was such a success in educating the rural population that it generated a need for 2 reorder.