Demo Capabilities

As the leading Demo Creation Expert for brands in the personal care, oral care, and home care industries, USP Solutions excels in providing comprehensive consultation, development, and manufacturing of demo assets and kits.
Our expertise as demo specialists ensures that your brand can effectively communicate product benefits through engaging and scientifically backed demos. 

We offer tailored demo solutions that enhance your brand narrative, making complex product science accessible and compelling to your audience. Partner with USP Solutions to elevate your brand’s impact and connect more meaningfully with your consumers. Our innovative demos not only highlight product efficacy but also build consumer trust and loyalty, ultimately driving brand success.


At USP Solutions, we understand that effective demo creation requires a blend of creativity, scientific rigor, and marketing insight. Our team of demo specialists collaborates closely with your brand to develop demos that are visually appealing and grounded in robust scientific principles. Whether you need product and claims demos, real demo videos, or digital experiences, we are equipped to deliver high-quality demo assets that meet your specific needs.

Meeting setting in a modern office. Two creation experts from USP Solutions are sitting around a table with laptops, notebooks. They listen to somebody not visible on the image.

Trust the process & support your claim

Feasibility Check

Technical and Requirements Evaluation

Our process begins with a thorough consultation to understand your brand's unique challenges and objectives. This feasibility check ensures that we evaluate all technical requirements and assess the potential for creating effective demo assets tailored to your specific needs.

Demo Ideation

Ideation Assets Delivery

Following the initial evaluation, we move on to the ideation phase. During this stage, we brainstorm and design various demo concepts, delivering ideation assets that encapsulate the core benefits of your product. Our creative approach ensures that each concept is both innovative and impactful.

Demo Development

Demo Asset Protocol

In the development phase, we rigorously test the chosen demo concepts. This involves refining and perfecting the demo assets to ensure they accurately represent your product’s benefits. We follow a detailed demo asset protocol to maintain high standards of quality and effectiveness.

Demo Deployment

Demo Asset Delivery
Finally, our manufacturing capabilities allow us to produce these demos at scale. We ensure consistency and quality across all your marketing channels, providing you with reliable, high-quality demo assets that enhance your brand narrative and effectively engage your target audience.